Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hello real world! What's up.

Well, I did it. I graduated. All I can say is Thank God.

Graduation went really well and it was a beautiful day. It was long and I'm exhausted, but rest not too long, because tomorrow we move my bed into the apartment. And finish welcome bags. And start packing since we leave oh uh, WEDNESDAY. Hmmmm...

I'm going to say good night, finish watching some television, maybe read a little and hit the sack.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Philly and (some of) its drivers.

Wow. So our trip to Philly went really well ...except for being on the road. We got there fine and we met up with our friend who is from the area and she drove us from KOP to Homegoods and IKEA, which, by the way, were AMAZING. I loveee Homegoods, I got two lamps, the bases are white lifeguard chairs with little red life rings and the shade is blue and white striped. Love, love, love. And at IKEA I got a really cute silver lantern you can put a tealight in and the holes on the top are star shaped. I love stars, btw. And the beach. Anyways...

So, here is my request. Dear people who drive in Philly in big tow trucks and semis, please watch out for us little people in cars WHO DON'T WANT TO GET SMASHED AND DIE. Kthx.

Back to my story. We went to KOP after this madness and it was great. We ate Coldstone Creamery ice cream *peanut butter passion something?, for those questioning =]* And we went to Build-A-Bear and I was going to build one and then we got distracted by Charlotte Russe. We also went to Pottery Barn. Oh. Em. Gee. I want everything in there, it's so pretty! Ha. We went across the road to Red Lobster for dinner. Buhhh those biscuits....

We ended up home around 9, which wasn't bad at all but I was exhausted.
Philly = success. Will not go back anytime soon. Heh.

On a different note, tonight Junior and I finally finished the favors and I am soooo happy. One more thing to cross off the ever-growing list. And tomorrow we have a senior lunch and our first alumni event at the President's house in the evening. ALUMNI. WHAT!?!? And then Saturday is Baccalaureate and Commencement practice in the morning and dinner with Junior's mom in the evening and then Sunday is the big day. Can I get a Halleluia!

One of these posts soon I will have to divulge how we met and all those giddy lovey-dovey things. One of these days....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh, ARE crazy.

WELL. This weekend some friends and I went to Knoebels (amusement park) and we had a great time. It was really windy and log flumes on windy 50 degree weather is not a good idea, in case you were wondering. I stood in the bathroom under the dryer for a good 20 minutes, haha.

We moved Junior home yesterday and some of the shelving and desk and table went to my apartment ..yay! But, I do have to say it's nice to be home with him. This week is senior week at school, but of course, nothing really interesting is happening. Tomorrow night is the bar crawl, which should be interesting, haha. But, then Wednesday my friends and I are going to Philly for the day to KOP, Ikea, and Homegoods and I am soooo excited. More excited than a kid in a candy store, if that's possible.

Tonight we are going to be working on favors for the wedding *hopefully*, as long as Junior doesn't complain too much. =] I still have so much that needs done and the big day is two weeks from yesterday. EEEKKK.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello to all who have visited me this past weekend - it's been a long weekend and it will continue to be a long next 4 weeks, so I apologize if I don't get to visit all of your sites right away, but I def. will!

So, I'm still constantly applying for jobs, even if they are mundane and useless, it's money, right? Seeing as how this is my last official week as a college student. Lasts. What a bittersweet thought.

Friday I went with some of my girlfriends to their last sorority formal. It was a ton of fun, but I will definitely miss the dancing and craziness that always ensued. I also went to visit Junior this weekend and we had a good time shopping for some things for my apartment. I found super cute bamboo placemats with light blue ribbon around the outside and I also found wicker baskets that will be put into wooden cubes, care of my personal carpenter. Tee-hee. My excitement about storage and decorating nauseates Junior sometimes, but I just can't help myself. Ever hear of The Container Store? Now you did. =]

Well, for now, my friends and I are going to play Dutch Blitz for the evening. Instead of studying for finals. You know you all did it. Haha. Good night!



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